Monday, February 5, 2007

Crewel Yarn

My ebay'd crewel embroidery yarn showed up last week. I didn't know what a lot of 51 would look like for some reason.
Sometimes you can't imagine these things. I am very pleased with the stash if only I had a good place to store it. My bedroom's hiding places are getting a little busty.
My first project with it was to embellish the second eyeglass case and so I did this.

A pretty simple design but, I like it.

I've another item to felt but, I'm not sure how to go about this in a stackable washer without water going everywhere. Any thoughts? I could go to the laundromat but, I think they might get mad at me checking the progress constantly. I've only done felting at my parents house so far.

In other news, on Saturday night I got really really sick and basically everything came up for about 2 hours straight. It was crazy and I'm still not feeling up to par so my usual energy is a bit slowed down at the moment. Boo hoo....

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