Sunday, September 14, 2008

baby blanket

Mom guilt:

I was feeling a bit guilty that I had not made Ms. S any sort of blanket. Of course, I've made her clothes and some toys but, a blanket somehow escaped the finished project list. I decided I needed to remedy this fast and looked for a quick project.

I decided on the scallop baby blanket from Bend-The-Rules-Sewing and it was just what I wanted. The color choice came easily for me as I call her my 'plum pudding' and I backed it with a pale pink

It is three layers so I guess I could technically call it a quilt, no?

The blanket could also serve as a play mat or lap quilt when she is older.

I have a pile of fabric picked out to make a quilt for Little M which I hope (cross fingers) I manage to do for his birthday which is November so it should be doable.

Now, I understand the extra warm and fuzzy feeling people get when they take their quilts out of the dryer (so much better after washing). I could get addicted to this.


Amelia Plum said...

adorable! and ms. s is perfectly adorable too, and she's seems to appreciate the quilt.

Amy said...

so cute! i love the color of the blanket, too!