Thursday, April 24, 2008

craft room- before

Here are some shots of the current state of my craft room in the attic. I feel so lucky to just have this space and am looking forward to getting it set up and working in there. It might be quite a while before it's the way I want.
My mind is swirling with ideas on how to decorate and organize it. I am hoping to use the china cabinet there that was formerly in Little M's room. It's too tall though to put against the wall so I'm not sure. I also have a blanket chest I plan to utilize. I will need more storage/furniture though because I have a lot of stuff.


Amelia Plum said...

that's a wonderful room to have all for yourself. can't wait to see how you set it all up. i'm so envious of the lovely china cabinet - think you can put it to good use up there

beki said...

That's such a nice big space!

carrie said...

so jealous! i can't wait to see how you decorate and organize it.

mushroommeadows said...

How exciting!!!

cookie said...

ooh this is my all consuming obsession at the own (big enough) craft room.. you lucky girl.enjoy the process of putting it all together.