Thursday, June 21, 2007

sweet thoughts of summer

Sweet thoughts of Summer:

the boardwalk
salty breezes
fresh tea with mint
farmer's market vegetables and fruits
flirty dresses
swingy skirts
reading books
cool night breezes
catching fireflies
being in nature
painted toenails
carrying a parasol
admiring the flowers
seeing rainbows
free outdoor music

...more days like this

going to art in the park
playing in the sprinklers in the water park
tending and watching the garden grow
going to the library and storytime at the park
spending lots of time on the swings
blowing bubbles
playing in the sand
dipping toes in the ocean

listening to the birds sing


Anonymous said...

Sigh, your list makes me feel like kicking back with a good book and a cool drink :)

Amelia Plum said...

Very cute picture of little m. Your summer list makes me long to be closer to a coast so I could dip my toes in the ocean. Oh well I'll have to settle for the garden hose when I'm watering the plants outside.