Sunday, August 2, 2009



To This:

We have been picking blackberries every day in our front yard. They are really plentiful this year.
The berry bramble and strawberry fields require so little work and have been really amazing.
I'm thinking blackberries with greek yogurt and honey for breakfast a few times this week.
Also, I'm putting together a garden post which I plan to post soon.

Amongst all the baking and cooking this weekend (zucchini bread was in there) I made these blackberry crumb bars from Martha Stewart that Jenn linked to recently. Yum!
Speaking of Jenn, we met up with each other recently and she is one of the nicest people around. It's so incredibly wonderful to meet up with a blog pal. Oh, and her daughters are so adorable but, if you read her blog you already know that.


sulu-design said...

As soon as I saw the sweet comment you left over on my blog, the words "blackberry crumb bars" were ringing in my head. I'm so glad that when I stopped over here I found that you'd posted a link to the recipe. I'm all over it. That is, after I make the blueberry muffins I'd planned on after a day of berry-picking with my cousin this weekend. Thanks for stopping by, and for the kitchen inspiration!

jenn said...

oh!! That's so nice of you to say! It was great to meet you and your super cute family, too! I hope we can get together again soon.
I am drooling over those crumb bars! Isn't that a great recipe?