Yesterday we took a drive to
Terrain in Glen Mills, PA and then a little side trip to Philadelphia.

Here I am sporting the Nadinoo Untie Me Dress. I am usually a little shy about showing photos of myself but I am feeling brave today.

On September 1st we celebrated our 10 year anniversary but really didn't get to do anything that day and had decided a family day trip for the weekend would be fun. I had been wanting to visit Terrain and it was even more dreamy then I had thought. After browsing around for a while at all the beautiful plants and flowers we had lunch at the cafe. This was such a treat as we were served in style a organic local meal in an antique greenhouse. We ordered the cheese plate with fruit, honey, preserves and jams, tomato corn risotto balls, melon risotto and a heirloom tomato mozzarella salad with mint pesto. The water is served in ball jars and the table centerpiece was flowers inside a small log.The kids had a grilled cheese and a macaroni and cheese. The setting inside was so beautiful. We were too full to get dessert.

We then explored the cheese and honey festival going on there and the kids got honey sticks. M and I tried some great liquor- I had Root and he had Snap from
Art in the Age. We plan to buy some at some point.

The home store was also a treat and we purchased a few things. I missed a lot of amazing shots in the home store. There was so so much to see. We came home with a glass vessel for a future terrarium, a fog linen placemat, a striped linen tablecloth and the most wonderful peach and white dot organic Japanese towel. I was pining after many other things. Oh, and we also bought a few cotton twigs.
I was pretty smitten with this cast iron apple pot and it is going on my want list.

I really could have gone crazy here because the style matched my personality so well. I was sad to leave without any plants other then one tiny moss for the terrarium but, I want to plot out a bit more what I want before I impulsively buy. I didn't take as many photos as I would have liked but, it was difficult to concentrate on photography with the kids and basically just being in awe forgot but, I hope this shows a tiny bit of the story of Terrain.
I almost forgot there was face painting and the kids got to see a fuzzy orange caterpillar and a preying mantis here.
I will show a few images from our small pit stop in Philadelphia in the next post.