I finished this sweater a few days ago. I think the knitting part of it turned out okay but, I'm not too excited about the design. For one, the collar is too wide which makes it floppy. Perhaps I need a fastener on top.
I am also unhappy about the yarn situation I first wrote about
here. After months of waiting for my yarn to come in from Uruguay the yarn still did not match. Now I am extremely pleased that the Sheep Shop Yarn Co. was nice enough to care to attempt to dye yarn to match my strand and send me double the amount of skeins necessary for free so I feel bad complaining but, it was not what I expected. I have been told that red which is present in this shade is the hardest to repeat and red is obviously a component here.
I will try to keep this short but, what happened was this:
I only bought 3-4/5 of the yarn needed for my project and thought it would not be hard to acquire the rest but, it was. I bought a few online that I thought would match but, turned out too dark however I held onto them anyway. Then I waited for the yarn to come in from Uruguay and when I did it was too light. Basically, the dark color didn't appear in the original and the one from Uruguay had the original color present in it but neither had the variegated tones and none had this one shade the original had.
What was I to do? I thought about ripping it out but, it didn't seem right after all the anticipation and waiting around so I finished it and striped it. It doesn't look horrible and in certain lights one may not even notice it. Will I wear it? I'm not sure yet.
What do you think I should have done? Does it look very noticeable?