Happy June!
I saw this fabric as a similar little top made during the Kids Clothes Week Challenge and wanted to use it for a dress. I immediately fell in love with the sweet polka dotted kitties. Last night I put together a very simple little pattern and made it in about an hour.
You will notice 'bumpy' the turtle in one of these photos. This is the turtle baby that S gave birth to yesterday shortly after she married her brother. She was of course wrapped up in a hello kitty blanket with enough blanket left for a train. She is completely obsessed with the you tube videos of Prince William and Catherine's wedding. After the wedding M decided that a flight to Japan was just way too long so they retreated to S's bedroom and shut the door for their honeymoon while I folded laundry. I am told by M that she rubbed his eyebrow while he asked her not to. People, I can not make this stuff up. All in all it was a comical day. And, I was happy to end it with making her this sweet dress because the minute she saw it this morning on my bedroom chair she had to put it on and what better reward is that. All the outfits I have made lately have been being worn and are getting good use now that summer weather is here.
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