I hit the jackpot on Saturday at our local kids thrift/second hand shop. Mostly I got items for Scarlet but I did find one cute western style button down for Little M which is not pictured but, trust me it's cute.
Here is what I got for my girl. Everything is too big for her now but, someday....
First up, this dress. I almost fell over when I saw the manufacturer's tag,
Plum Pudding, because this is Scarlet's nickname. FYI- I call Little M,
Blueberry Pie. I had to get it because I just love a dot and a red dress with dots and daisies..be still my beating heart!

Secondly, I saw this brown dress with multicolored dots and what can I say, it is so sweet.

Thirdly, I got this adorable raincoat, oh my!

But wait, all three of these items came in pairs because they were from twins that were dressed identically. So there is another one of all of the above just waiting.
Then, oh my god, I can't believe these rain boots were still there. I wanted them last time I was in but, somehow resisted their charm. I don't know how or why but, thank goodness they were still there weeks later.

These white t-strap shoes are just the best and they are from France and it looks like they were barely worn.

Pricetag for all items $22
I feel like such a lucky girl!
P.S. - You can see the Nordicware pan and Betty Crocker cookbook I picked up at a garage sale on Friday over there on the right.