I have been wanting to make this post for a very long time but I don't like to tell people early on as I don't like to jinx things and am also advancing in maternal age according to the medical world.
I am almost 20 weeks pregnant and expecting a wee darling this February. We are all very excited.
This pregnancy was planned and happened quickly. I had a much rougher time with this one but, am now starting to feel better... finally. I forget how exhausting it is to grow a baby. I am convinced this baby is a hyper one as I felt movement at 11 weeks and was able to see my belly bouncing up and down.
So far, we have held off on finding out the gender but, I may cave this Wednesday. We will see if my curiosity gets the better of me.
Now, in addition to this we have also been house hunting as we need to make room for the new addition to our family and we have recently listed our condo on the market which we are attempting to sell ourselves. House hunting has been exhausting and a bit depressing. It feels strange to be leaving the city I have lived in for 12 years and moving out to the suburbs but, I don't see any affordable alternative for us and we will still stay close to NYC. To leave has been a very tough decision for us and one that is filled with emotion. I must say though that the prospect of having my very own craft room is terribly exciting for me. I think if we had 100K more we would have had our house by now or even able able to stay here possibly. Isn't it always that way? I wouldn't be opposed to moving further away if it were not for the terrible commute. We are crossing our fingers that we will find something soon as we would like to be settled in a new home by November or December the latest.
The past few months have been a whirlwind and so I have sadly been out of touch with many of my friends. I hope to remedy this soon.
Hi friends....I miss you dearly...