A WW2 women's work factory uniform

winter coat

and a broom

She brought me the sweet lilac apron with ric rac the previous week.
They work pretty good on Jenny and Mandy (from the Fisher Price line from the 1970's). I bought these dolls when
S was a few months old. They can go through the washing machine which is certainly nice since they were old dolls she was going to play with.
Lately, she has really attached herself to her dolls and wants to hold them while we read books and give them kisses.
I know, I know.... I can hardly stand how cute that is. It makes me all warm and fuzzy. Of course, she is still pushing along her brother's fire truck and toy cars making vroom'ing sounds too.
Oh, and every once in a blue moon M will nurse one of S's dolls which I find pretty amusing and also very sweet.