Hooray for cool vintage fabric!
You may remember I was wishing for some fabric. Karen from Mackey Blue came over this week and brought a ton of fabric with her.
I carefully chose these 5 fabrics for $15. There were others I liked but I didn't want to spend a lot.
Clockwise from L-R :
This cute dutch print in red, blue, black and white has a very wintery feeling to it. It reminds a little me of some of the dutch prints like this I've seen on Superbuzzy and Karen and I thought it would look amazing as a skirt with a red or black top and tights. A little over 2 yards.
The pink bird print is adorable. I love the retro look. There is a little over 2 yards.
This green print has Denyse Schmidt written all over it. I mean isn't it exactly like this but, this one is vintage. A small piece.
This aqua & gold print is very pretty. Another small piece.
Navy blue wool suiting fabric. Oh, I could just see this as a pleated mini skirt with suspenders on my little girl one day. Something like this one. A yard should be enough, no?
As you can see, I still need to launder and iron.
On another note, Karen's (Mackey Blue) new window display includes my vintage smocks, appliqued onesies and baby booties. She has a lot of my new pieces so go take a look if you are in the area.