So, things here are a little nutty. It looks like I may give birth any day or it could be 2 weeks but, apparently no chance I'll make it to my due date. As of yesterday, I am 4 cm dilated and 90% effaced so I'm about halfway there to having a baby but, I'm at home and doing my normal routine. I had my ultrasound today and baby is a good size and I'm told she has lots of hair and a big tummy and big cheeks.
So, I thought I should let you know I might pull a disappearing act for a few days or more depending how I feel.
What else? We lost out on a house (again)...wah! The house was on the market in the Fall and then de-listed and we kept inquiring about it and finally we got to see it again and then we got involved in a bidding war and ended up losing over a closing date. The seller (an older women) wants an open-ended closing and the other buyer is willing to put up with that. Our realtor thinks she doesn't want to leave her house at all and is super crazy. So, that stinks. And, so the house hunt continues. We really are running out of time. Our closing is the middle of April here. Oh, the next few months are just going to be fun fun fun....
So, what does this have to do with banana bread (excuse the pan)....nothing really but, I made 2 loaves last week and since my life feels bananas and I've got that bun in the oven I thought it would be a fun post. Oh, the recipe is Amy's and there is no sugar. You do use honey and sour cream though and it's really good toasted.
I've actually got quite a few posts planned out so you may or may not be hearing from me tomorrow. It all depends on that girl in there.