Ah, to do lists. I am always thinking and adding new items to the to do list. So, I wondered if I take a photo of the stuff I should do first perhaps I will focus. One item missing from here is the little needle felted project I started. The other item is pick a book. Oh who am I kidding, there is also 2 knit projects to finish as well. Anyway, I got roped into hosting the next book club and sadly, only three people voted. The list is huge so it's weird no one voted. Maybe none of the Mom's have time to read a book anymore. I understand. So, I guess my vote could make it a tie or it could be 3-1. Now if it's a tie do I pick whichever book I want to read. So, here are the choices. What would you pick?
a) Life of Pi by Yann Martel
b) An Invisible Sign of My Own by Aimee Bender
I've got to send the evite today so let me know what you think.
So, in case you are wondering here's what's in the photo
*Yarn- for a baby sweater for a special little girl due to arrive in May
*A felted sweater case to be turned into a cozy
*Cross stitch pattern (and floss) from
Mailorder*Fabric cut out to be zippered bags and charms
*Silk thread, more thread
*Needle case from
The Small Object with the needles to sew
*Paper to be turned into recipe cards for the
apron swap (apron finished- phew!)
And, those fabric stuffed circles - they will be flowers.