So, after my last post, I must say that today I flew the coop (or shall I say I left the house) by myself. Grammie came and so I went for a meander around the West Village. I stopped in at Camp on Perry and Hable Construction and Milk and Cookies for a latte (oh boy did I want some cookies too). I have a real obsession with cookies. It wasn't always this way but, it is now and that's all there is to it. I could do without the milk though. I've never liked milk on it's own. As for Camp on Perry, it was written up in Blueprint Magazine and I was curious. At Hable Construction, I had a kind of freak out moment where I saw things similar to things I've made and are making and was like hmm should I try and do consignment at a shop. Anyone have any tips on this?
It was so nice out today and even with some snow on the ground you could tell spring was coming. Usually during this time of day (little M's naptime) I'm photographing, writing this blog and then working on my projects. Alas, it is now too dark out to photograph any of my latest endeavors.
Also, in the news, my little man has progressed in the walking department past 6 steps which he started two and a half weeks ago to around 15-20 steps at a time!
P.S. Those are my feet in D.C. in the summer of 2005.